Opportunities have arisen within Birmingham Youth Offending Service for the recruitment of two Assistant Heads of Service, one in a permanent position and the other on a two-year fixed term basis. The successful candidates will provide dynamic leadership, management vision and direction to designated staff groups engaged in the operation and development of the Service.
Birmingham Youth Offending Service is the largest metropolitan Youth Offending Service in the country and is identified as the most complex by the Youth Justice Board. The Service recently underwent a HMIP inspection where specific areas for improvement have been identified. You will play a central role in progressing the actions within Birminghams HMIP Improvement Plan.
Successful candidates will have substantial experience of working at a high managerial level in the Youth Justice system, with a proven track record of promoting effective partnership working and on delivering improved outcomes for children and young people, particularly in the area of public protection and safeguarding. They will be able to work effectively at both a strategic and operational level and be committed to developing and improving our services, working in collaboration with the young people who use them.
Interviews will take place over 30th November 2020 and 1st December 2020. Previous applicants for this post from the last advertisement in September 2020 need not reapply.
If you would like an informal discussion, please contact Trevor Brown (Head of Service) or Dionne McAndrew (Assistant Director) on 0121 303 8372
Posted 28/03/24, views 3
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Birmingham Children's Trust
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