I bought this car from a guy today who drove it to my house, I test drove it and all seemed fine. So I was happy to buy the car. I later wanted to take it to fill up with feul and it wouldn't start. I messaged the guy and told him that the car won't start and asked him if he knew why. He then blocked my number so that he couldn't receive anymore messages. The car was for my partner to learn to drive in and I'm now £800 out of pocket because some low life couldn't be arsed to be honest on his advert.
Would anyone at all be interested in the car for what I paid for it as I have absolutely no idea what's wrong with it or how to fix it. It could be something as simple as a spark plug or HD cables but I don't want to spend out on them then it'd something else.
Does anyone that knows what they are doing interested at all? Other than that it's a nice car in good condition with loads of MOT
Posted 31/05/23, views 1
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